The history of Chatai mats dates back to the 19th century and the practice of using chatai, or reed mats as they are often known as, has since then been widely prevalent in South East Asia and India. Traditionally, these chatai mats were made using reed, palm leaves, bamboo twigs etc. In India, the Chatai garnered a reputation of being the most efficient floor covering, especially due to our traditional practices like sitting on the floor while consuming meals, doing yoga etc. With the advent of technology and modern weaving methods, reed grass was replaced with polypropylene. This resulted in mass production of chatai mats and made them a common household item.
The legendary chatais were not only akin to members residing in the same household but were the central makeshift bedding when guests paid a visit to our homes. With passing time, rugs and carpets permeated within many traditional Indian households, influencing the rise of the boho style decor. Chatai came to be known as old-fashioned amongst many people due to its heavy traditional influence. Yet, the Chatai retained its status as an economical and durable alternative. Due to efficient machine production of meticulous designs and quality weaves, the Chatai adapted to the off-beat and modernist patterns, thus catapulting its comeback!
With sustainable products gaining necessary momentum, Sapana Carpet-Mats leads the way by producing soft and comfortable chatai mats from recycled polypropylene. Our Chatai mats are environment-friendly without compromising on the look and feel. All our chatai mats are recyclable too!
Here are some factors that are bolstering the Chatai’s comeback:
1) Pros associated with sleeping on the floor with the right mat:
Performing the Shavasana towards the end of a rigorous yoga session is proven to help you calm your digestive and immune system while also reducing stress within the central nervous system. Apart from this, sleeping on the floor leads to healthier back posture and a supple backbone. Physiological fitness is a burning need today when most of our productive hours are spent fixated on a desk and chair. With a durable Chatai to return home to, you can get the support your back has been craving for.
2) A decor adaptable to urban dust-prone living spaces:
A replaceable lightweight Chatai doesn’t simply serve as a support to the human body but also concomitantly amplifies the ambience of your home. The weave of polypropylene straws creates a matting suitable enough for resisting friction while pacing over them, thus making them a good addition as a substantial floor accessory. The Chatai can also be washed easily with a garden pipe or wiped with a wet cloth frequently to combat dust and surfactants found vehemently due to pollution and other sources. Since Sapana Carpet-Mats Chatais are of premium quality, one doesn’t need to fear about its wear and tear.
3) Blending contemporary with traditional looks for the home:
From sharp geometric motifs to mellifluous florid patterns, the Chatai’s aesthetic is miscellaneous and indomitable. For instance, the regality of a Chittagong Red Chatai or the enchanting Murano Midnight Blue & Gold chatai could conveniently accentuate the appeal of your floor’s appearance with its traditional and regional influence. In a similar fashion, the presence of Bohemian Hues of Pink chatai could add a pop of blush to an unconventional decor, and in a similar instance, The FL 10 monstera leaf mantled Chatai can transform a formal interior look with a touch of rain-forest vibes. It’s indeed crystal clear that having a Chatai does not denote a ‘simpleton lifestyle’ but rather connotes a trend resurgence of physiological necessity and economical luxury.
How Chatai Mats Are Making a Comeback